Conversion of existing non-teaching spaces into new classrooms at Greenacre Academy in Walderslade.
Works involved the re-modelling and conversion of non-teaching spaces (changing rooms, courtyards and stores) into new teaching and SEN teaching classrooms within the school during term time. Logistics and management of operatives was key to the successful delivery of the project, which required very detailed operational planning in tandem with the school to minimise any disruption and to ensure the safety of the pupils was maintained at all times. The school and Bauvill worked in partnership to deliver the scheme on programme and on budget, despite the challenges faced by areas being land-locked by corridors in constant use. Areas were handed over early to facilitate the school’s needs to have as much operational space as possible before new areas commenced construction. Due to the poor condition of the existing buildings in some locations, the scope of work increased from that which was originally envisaged, such as a completely new roof structure and finishes being required. By working out of hours and weekends, Bauvill managed to incorporate these additional works within the programme period.
Soft strip
New roof structure
New roof finishes
New windows
New partitions/walls
New external brick walls
New flooring
New MEP services
New ceilings
New decorations
New floor finishes
New external ramps
The additional spaces now enable the school to function much more efficiently, in more suitable surroundings which are accessible to wheelchair users. It gives the school the ability to increase admission numbers, and showcases the investment the school is putting into maintaining the high standards of its education and facilities at Greenacre Academy.
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